11. Rain Catcher Game

In Shiffman’s book, he creates a very simple game based on a simple ball-like objects and a few other simple objects like a timer object and a catcher object. He uses arrays of objects so that we can use a loop to update objects for each iteration of the draw loop.

In Chapter 10, Shiffman introduces the idea of using algorithmic thinking to figure out
how to design our program. So one idea is to first try to figure out the components of any program that we’re trying to create. Let’s follow Shiffman’s project where he designs the RainCatcher game. Below he specifies the details of the game.

11.1. Rain Game Code

The object of this game is to catch raindrops before they hit the ground. Every so often (depending on the level of difficulty), a new drop falls from the top of the screen at a random horizontal location with a random vertical speed. The player must catch the raindrops with the mouse with the goal of not letting any raindrops reach the bottom of the screen

He breaks down the game program design into 4 steps:

  1. Develop code for a circle object that is controlled by the mouse. This is the ‘rain catcher’
  2. Write a program to see if the 2 circles intersect
  3. Write a timer program that executes a function every N seconds
  4. Write a program with circles falling from the top of the screen.

11.2. Psudocode

Psudocode is a way to write the main concepts for the program

Initialize catcher object
Erase Background Set catcher location to mouse location Display catcher

11.3. Catcher Class Code

Here is code for the Catcher class:

class Catcher{
float r;  //radius
PVector position;

Catcher(float _r){
        position =new PVector(width/2, height/2);
void setposition(float _x, float _y){
void display(){
        ellipse(position.x,position.y,r*2, r*2);

It’s critical to note that in the constructor Catcher(float r), we are initializing the PVector object. This is an important function of a constructor: to create any objects that are instance variables of the class. We can’t use any of these objects until they’ve been initialized.

11.4. Ball Class Code

Here is the code for the Ball class Note that we’re using PVector for speed and location:

     class Ball{

 // instance variables
 color currentColor;  //current color of the ball
 color ballColor;  //store color to reset after highlighting
 color highlightColor;  //highlight color of the ball
 PVector position;
 PVector speed;
 float diameter;

 Ball(){  //default constructor
     this(color(255,0,0), width/2, height/2, 5, 3, 5 );  //call the constructor with initialization values

 // constructor with initialization arguments
Ball(color _c, float _x,float _y, float _d, float _xspeed, float _yspeed){
   position=new PVector(_x,_y);
   speed=new PVector(_xspeed,_yspeed);

 // class methods
 // this method is responsible for creating the displayed ball object
 void display(){
    fill(currentColor);  //this may be highlighted or ballColor
    currentColor=ballColor; //reset ballColor back to original color

 //this method is responsible for determining movement of the ball using the PVector function ``add()``
 void move(){
   if(position.x > (width-diameter/2) || position.x < (0+diameter/2)){
     speed.x *= -1;
   if(position.y > (height-diameter/2) || position.y <(0+diameter/2)){
     speed.y *=-1;

//comparison method:  do comparison and return true or false

  boolean isIntersecting(Ball otherBall){
     float distance= PVector.dist(this.position, otherBall.position);  //PVector distance between 2 points

     if( distance <= (this.diameter / 2) + (otherBall.diameter / 2)){
       return true;
     return false;

 void highlight(){
   this.currentColor = this.highlightColor;

     } //end of Ball class

This is the end of the code for the Ball class. This class has 4 different methods. Each of these methods does a simple task. It is best to have your object methods designed to perform one well defined task. If we have a more complex task, we can break that down into simpler methods we can also call methods from within other methods if it makes our code easier to understand.

11.5. Timer Class Code

Here is the code for the timer class. It uses the processing function millis() which counts milliseconds since the sketch started. Shiffman uses the timer to generate an event to create a new Drop that can fall from the top of the canvas.

class Timer{
        int startedTime;
        int totalTime;

         Timer(int _totalTime){  //constructor

        void start(){
        startedTime=millis();   //set the start time to the current millis value

        boolean isFinished(){  //this timer determines if the timer has completed the timed interval
        int passedTime=millis()-startedTime;
                println("timer finished");
                return true;
                return false;

}  //end of Timer class

11.6. Object Inheritance

Here, we are going to use Object Inheritance is the code for the Drop class, it is a child class of the Ball class and it inherits the instance variables and methods from the Ball class. we use the super keyword to refer to methods in the parent Ball class:

class Drop extends Ball{
 boolean isActive;  //this is instance variable for drop class
 color dropColor;

   this(random(width), -10);

 Drop(float _x, float _y){
   // call the Ball constructor

 void move(){
      position.add(speed);  //we've set x speed to 0;

 void display(){

In the above code, we have created a class that’s a child class of the Ball class. We have used the keyword super within the constructor so that we’re calling the constructor for the Ball class. We have used the extends keyword in the first line of the class declaration to show that this class is a child class of the Ball class. Any Drop object has access to the methods and instance parameters of the Ball class. Since the Drop class has it’s own move() method, then when a Drop object calls the move() method, it is this version that will be executed.

11.7. The Main Program

Here is a start of a main program where we are testing each of our classes. It’s important to keep straight the fact that we’re declaring our classes in separate tabs, but all of the code to execute the program is all contained in the first processing tab. In that tab, we have our processing setup function and the draw function. As we’ve done before, we declare any global variables above and outside of the setup() and draw() functions. These are object variables so we use the Class name, then the name of the object instance to declare the global object

class name: Catcher

object instance name: myCatcher

Here’s the code for executing the beginning of our game:

      //rain catcher game: main file
      Catcher myCatcher;   //declare a Catcher object named myCatcher
      Ball ball1;
      Timer timer1;
      Drop drop1;

      void setup(){
              myCatcher=new Catcher();  // initialize using the Catcher default constructor
              timer1=new Timer(2000);  // initialize a Timer object
              timer1.start();    //call the start( ) method
              ball1=new Ball(color(0,255,100),15,25,20,3,8);
              drop1=new Drop(14,5);   //initialize drop1 using the Drop constructor


      void draw(){
              myCatcher.setposition(mouseX, mouseY);  //
              timer1.start();  //reset the timer when it is finished

In the code above, the first thing we determine is the location of the catcher object based on the user’s mouse position. Then we display the myCatcher object. Similarly, with the drop1 and ball1 objects, first we move the objects, then we display the objects.

So far, we have several objects moving on the screen, but we need to re-factor this code in order to make some type of a game. We’ll want to have lots of drop objects moving on the canvas. Also, let’s make use a paddle object instead of Shiffman’s catcher object. The paddle object will be controlled by keyboard movement, then collisions will be determined based on whether a falling drop object intersects with the paddle. We’ll cover this in the next section.

11.8. Test Driven Development

Below is an example of the program, here we’re just testing the code for each object that we’ve created. It’s a good idea to create your code in an incremental manner, so that you can discover errors early on. For each section of code that you create, identify some way that you can test whether your code is functioning correctly before moving on to create new code. This is the idea behind test-driven development (TDD), where you would create some series of tests for each section of code, to insure it’s working correctly, and the code for the tests is actually written before the code that you will be testing.

11.9. Questions:

  1. How can we test whether the method isIntersecting( ) works correctly?
  2. How can we test whether the timer object is working correctly?